The Rural Technology Initiative ceased operations in 2011. This site is maintained as an archive of works from RTI collaborators from 2000 to 2011 and is no longer updated. RTI's successor and remaining staff can be found at

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Associations & Grading Agencies


National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA)
P.O. Box 34518
Memphis, TN. 38184

Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau (PLIB)
P.O. Box 7235
Bellevue, WA. 98008

Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Assn.
P.O. Box 1788
Forest Park, GA  30051

Southern Pine Inspection Bureau
4709 Scenic Hwy.
Pensacola, FL  32504

West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLIB)
P.O. Box 23145
Tigard, OR. 97223

Western Hardwood Association
1099 SW Columbia
Suite 300
Portland, OR. 97201

Western Red Cedar Lumber Assn.
522 S.W. Fifth Ave.
Portland OR 

Western Wood Products Association (WWPA)
522  SW Fifth Ave.-Yeon Bldg
Portland, OR. 97204


American Hardboard Assn.
520 N. Hicks Rd.
Palatine, IL  60067

American Plywood Association
P.O. Box 11700
Tacoma, WA. 98411

Hardwood Plywood Manufacturer's Association
1825 Michael Faraday Dr.
Reston, VA. 22090

National Particleboard Assn.
18928 Premiere Ct.
Gaithersburg, MD  20879


American Wood Preservers' Assn.
P.O. Box 849
Stevensville, MD  21666

American Wood Preservers' Bureau
P.O. Box 5283
Springfield, VA  22150

American Wood Preservers' Institute
1945 Old Gallows Rd.
Vienna, VA  22180

The Railway Tie Assn.
314 N. Broadway, Rm. 1040
St. Louis, MO 63102

Western Wood Preservers Institute
P.O. Box 2913
Vancouver, WA  98668


Northwest Pulp and Paper Assn.
1300 114th S. E., Ste. 110
Bellevue, WA  98004

Technical Assn. of the Pulp, Paper and Packaging Industries
P.O. Box 105113
Atlanta, GA  30348-5113


Architectural Woodwork Institute
2310 S. Walter Reed Dr.
Arlington, VA  22206

National Oak Flooring Manufacturers Assn./Oak Flooring Institute
804 Sterick Bld.,
8 N. Third St.
Memphis, TN  38103

National Sash and Door Jobbers Assn.
2300 E. Devon Ave.
Des Plaines, IL  60018

National Wooden Pallet and Container Assn.
1625 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Ste. 100
Washington, D.C. 20036-2279

National Wood Flooring Assn.
2714 Breckenridge Ind. Ct.
St. Louis, MO 63144

National Wood Window and Door Assn.
1400 E. Touhy Ave.
Des Plaines, IL 60018

Western Hardwood Assn.
1099 S.W. Columbia, Ste. 300
Portland, OR 97201

Wood Moulding and Millwork Producers Assn.
P.O. Box 25278
Portland, OR  97225


Red Cedar Shingle and Handsplit Shake Bureau
515 116th Ave. N.E., Ste. 275
Bellevue, WA  98004

School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
USDA Forest Service State & Private Forestry
WSU Cooperative Extension
The Rural Technology Home Page is provided by the College of Forest Resources. For more information, please contact the Rural Technology Initiative, University of Washington Box 352100 Seattle, WA 98195, (206) 543-0827. © 2000-2004, University of Washington, Rural Technology Initiative, including all photographs and images unless otherwise noted. To view the privacy policy, click here.
Last Updated 10/13/2022 12:34:03 PM